Grace Kim

Concept Artist/Illustrator

Specializes in 2D character design/illustrations and eating noodles-- Maybe I should draw more noodles.please send email to request access to NDA tab

Arcane Postcard Illustrations

I'M SO GLAD TO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DRAW A LITTLE SOMETHING SOMETHING TO PROMOTE ARCANE!!!Thank you to Diana Paz, Chesney Lattuga, Riley Hutchins, and Ben Chabala for their guidance on these!

Sentinels of Light Event Illustrations

Had the honor of working on illustrations for the Sentinels of Light event for League of Legends!! It was such a blast working on these and I feel like I grew a lot working on them. Feels like I fulfilled a baby dream of mine to work on something for Rito so I'm super hyped and glad to have had the opportunity!Big thank you to Ben Chabala, Chesney Lattuga, and Riley Hutchins for the guidance on these!

2023 LoL Pride Illustration

The Pride 2023 event was such a huge labor of love from the whole Riot team and I'm so proud and honored that they have trusted me to draw something for this community that I am proud to be a part of <3
The support the rioters dished out for this event was absolutely INSANE and made this such a blast of a project to have worked on alongside other community artists! Please check them out!
Community artist twitters:
Risu @superrisu, Luz @luzdanaee, Mango @yellowestmango, Heka @hekatiane, Unholy @unholythorne

seen on rito campus!! WILDDD

TFT Dragonlands Travel Posters

Always a joy to collab with Riot again! Here's some travel postcards to send to your buddies while you visit the Dragonlands!
Big thank you to Amanda Jackson, Serah Styles, and the rest of the team behind the scenes whose names I unfortunately do not know ; ;

LoR 200K Celebration

Celebratory piece for the LoR twitter hitting 200K followers!
Big humongous thank you to Serah Styles, Amanda Jackson, and Chesney Lattuga for their excellent guidance 🙏

LCS x VCT Thanksgiving Feast!

Had the opportunity to draw a cute lil drawing for the LCS and VCT socials to celebrate Thanksgiving!Jumbo shout-out to Serah, Riley, Austin, Dia, and the teams behind LoL and Valo for the opportunity and the help bringing this to fruition!

Star Guardian Scrapbook Illustrations

Art pieces I did for the community album!!
Huge thanks to Elie, Angel, Josh, Chesney, and Brendan for their guidance for this collab!!

"When Prey Becomes Predator"
Apex Legends S14 Issue #2 Comic

Can't believe I got to draw Loba eating fried chicken in canon LETS GOOOOO
Also had the honor of designing "the Widow", working on this project has been an absolute dream!
Script written by the fantastic Christal Rose Hazelton!!Twitter link to comic here

Grace Kim

Concept Artist/Illustrator

Specializes in 2D character design/illustrations and eating noodles-- Maybe I should draw more noodles.please send email to request access to NDA tab

Props/Textures Galore

A hodgepodge of various props I've worked on over the years

Flex-Fit Loba Skin Fan Concept

Really dig the hypebeast skinline so wanted to take a go at it with my main gorl Loba

Witcherlass & Sorceress

Bear school witcherlass Lydia and her destiny-issued Skellige sorceress, Orla of Rannvaig, to start off the new year! (plus additional 3D model of her that I will get around to finishing one day,,,,)

Raya, the Sand Priestess

Started this for my senior port class at LCAD and it was great practice and a fun challenge to match Riot's style mixed with my own. I wanted to create a Shuriman mage since I've always enjoyed the aesthetic Shurima encompassed and how Shurimans can view mages amongst them! Her name’s Raya, the Sand Priestess (in training), and honestly, she is trying her best.

Raya's Home (Shuriman Architecture)

Concepts for Raya's home - referencing off of the concepts Riot released a while back for the Shurima update.

Shuriman Shrine

The shrine that holds answers to Diana's questions and Raya's chance of traveling the world.
The stone is an ancient Targonian relic that they use for certain rituals to protect the town which is powered by Raya's staff.
Raya and her mother pass down stories of the history of this artifact which in turn has been passed down to them for centuries and has deep ties to Lunari history carved into the stone (though Raya doesn't know them as the "Lunari" until Diana comes along).

The Rumor Broker’s Ledger of Names NPC’s

NPC work I did for Games Unbound for their kickstarter The Rumor Broker’s Ledger of Names. Had a huge blast designing them!
Big thanks to Nala, our AD, and writers Austin Taylor (@sailorsctaustin), Kienna Shaw (@KiennaS), Dee Harris, and Rue Dickey for letting me bring their NPC's to life

Grace Kim

Concept Artist/Illustrator

Specializes in 2D character design/illustrations and eating noodles-- Maybe I should draw more noodles.please send email to request access to NDA tab